Nature: Honorable Mention 2015 (professional)
The beauty of the tension between the static and the dynamic.
Fascinated by the scale of movements created in a fraction of a second I am always looking for the “perfect moment”, I choose to let myself be overwhelmed by man and his environment, how they both tend to intertwine at times, moreover the strength which the human body exerts.
My work depicts these fractions in which the body bends and stretches itself; this characterizes the essence of my work.
These movements which are portrayed in my photographs are brought to existence with the utmost care and precision, they are based on poses obtained from my work as a sports photographer and thus not in any way created with the help of computers.
Furthermore I play with sexuality, distortion, movements, intimacy, freedom and body language, these are themes which have a recurrent role in my photographs.
With the use of befitting elements such as costume and location, I try to create an environment with which I can capture and enhance the essence of a pose, drawing the viewer to the movement of the body. These frames are created while playing with a variety of poses and using the lines of my surroundings.
I challenge myself trying to find the balance between the static and the dynamic, which are sometimes brought to existence by the boundaries I am faced with, finally searching for that perfect moment in which everything comes into place.
My work is a depiction of reality as I perceive it.
Constantly asking myself not only the question what do I see, but moreover what image lies deeper, I tend to engross myself with the picture before me looking for friction, distortion and movement, using Photography as a method with which I can portray my own reality.
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