Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2016 (amateur)
For a couple days twice each year, just after spring and just before fall the sun lines up perfectly for the West Mitten to cast its full shadow upon the East Mitten in Monument Valley. The previous days attempt to capture this image failed as clouds blocked the sun. The day this image was captures looked like a failure as cloud cover was thick throughout the day. About an hour before the sun slipped behind the mountains to the west the clouds began to clear allowing me to capture the full West Mitten shadow upon the East Mitten.
I dedicated 24 years to protecting public lands and resources as a law enforcement officer for the Bureau of Land Management. My objective now, as primarily a self-taught photographer, is to assist private, public and governmental organizations and agencies, employed in or charged with preserving and protecting our natural, cultural and historic resources, achieve their respective goals by fostering public awareness through the imagery of my photography and advocate for the continued conservation and protection of these National treasures held in public trust for the benefit of all.
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