Nature: Honorable Mention 2016 (professional)
A bunch of dead hydrangea heads taken in January 2016 after a heavy frost. Taken in Lancashire UK during a walk through countryside. Tonal values were adjusted in Photoshop for a hand printed feel.
I am a Brighton based Fine Art Photographer and artist whose work explores representations of location, sexuality and identity. I work across many genres such as portraiture, landscape and short experimental films. My work relies on a personal sense of visual language through the use of metaphor, atmosphere and sensitivity.
My film 'Chance Encounter' used original photography to explore what is allowed to cross that divide between the outside and inside of the body and how it informs our notion of self and identity with a specific reference to how gay men have that boundary violated by culture through miss-representation.
I was a Senior Lecturer in Photography at London Metropolitan University and was the Post Graduate Organizer for the Department of Art, Media and Design. I wrote an MA in Photography which was successfully validated in July 2007.
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