Photojournalism: Honorable Mention 2016 (professional)
In China, where censorship is a serious issue, the government filters all the news and controls the internet's content to monitor and maintain its power on the population. Traveling through this country feels like being on a different planet, where you come to know only the things they want you to know, even though signs of the western culture are everywhere.
My name is Marco Grassi, I'm a photographer specialized in landscape and travel subjects. I'm born and raised In the northwest of Italy and since I was a kid I always had an addiction for travel and nature. After spending an entire year backpacking through New Zealand breathtaking landscapes, I got much closer to nature and I started feeling I needed to capture those beautiful sceneries.
Once left New Zealand, I bought my first camera and I realized that it could be my vehicle to travel and experience the world. From that moment on,I've been saving and planning for the next adventure till I finally left home in September 2015.
Now I'm currently traveling around the world seeking for great light and unique moments
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