Wildlife: Honorable Mention 2016 (professional)
Orcas in Kaldfjord, Tromsø
Between November and February every year orcas feed on herring in the fjords of Norway. A feast for the eye and perfect to observe they behavior in the wild (and free) . Orcas live in very complicated family structures and the balance is beautiful!
Ellen Cuylaerts relocated from Belgium to the Cayman Islands in 2009. She studied history in Antwerp & Leuven and got her master in modern history and education.
She homeschools her 2 gifted teenagers and decided to take up scuba diving in June 2011. Soon she became a Master Scuba Diver and took up her childhood dream photography and combined it with the wonders of the underwater world.
After diving a few months she signed up for a workshop on the island with renowned underwater photographer & marine biologist Dr. Alex Mustard and decided to use the skills she learned to spread the awareness and contribute to the conservation and preservation of the fragile marine environment.
Her basic concern is the decay of the oceans by pollution, overfishing, the brutal act of shark finning and dolphin and whale slaughtering.
If images can contribute to achieve goals in conservation of marine life and education about the importance of our oceans, that's Ellen's drive to shoot images that capture hearts and the will to act before it's too late.
Ellen received already numerous awards for her pictures and was the 2013 winner in the yearly online underwater photo competition 'underwaterphotography.com. She was also the overall winner of the BSoUP/Diver print competition on the Birmingham dive show 2013. June 2014 she became first and second in the United Nations' first World Oceans Day Photo Competition (category interaction and seascapes).
2015 Ellen was accepted a Fellow Explorer in the NYC Chapter of the would reknowned & exclusive Explorers Club.
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