Architecture: 2nd Place Winner 2017 (amateur)
Anna Laudan is an 37 years old fineart photographer. Her first steps in photography and darkroom techniques she made at high school with an old analog Canon camera of her grandfather. They have never met because he died before her birth but it seems to be that photography is in her blood. Nevertheless, photography disappeared for a few years of her life while studying psychology. Only in 2013 Anna find back to photography when she bought her first SLR. After that it became really her passion. She took a lot of pictures and learned more and more by watching tutorials and by trying out. Anna loves to take pictures of landscapes and nature. But since 2014 architectural photography is her favorite.
"Painting with light and shadow" - This describes quite well what Anna is doing with her architectural pictures. Especially these pictures are not about to be a realistic replica of reality. Rather, she uses the taken picture like a canvas on which she creates her own reality with the help of targeted use of light and shadow in post processing. Anna uses the method of long time exposure. So the dynamics of wind and clouds, or even time can be represented, at the same time the method supports the creation of her reality.
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