Conceptual: Honorable Mention 2017 (amateur)
My image is a conceptual take, leaning towards fine art 0n the disturbing global issue of " CHILD BRIDES". This is currently a very large global problem in many countries - children being married of at an extremely young age to a much older man due to ancient customs.
Often these young girls die prematurely due to the fact that their bodies are not ready for an adult relationship and often after childbirth. If they do pass away, they are merely replaced by a new child bride( therefore the skulls next to the jar. If they manage to survive, they almost always lead a life in misery and with poor mental and emotional health. Not to speak about never having a chance at their own dreams and choices to make their own decisions throughout life. They are trapped like ornaments in a glass jar. Many of them are already destined from birth to be sold of or given away as a child bride.
I am a contemporary and conceptual photographer with a special soft spot for photo manipulation because within that you have the freedom to create any single image or series telling a specific story that you chose at the given moment to convey a story, concept or thought. I want more people to think more, get involved more with all the current global challenges we stand we face on a daily basis, as individuals in different part of the world, as a collective in closed societies or as a whole.
I also am very fond of contemporary portraits, movement images, advertising and at times architecture and interior design. I work in both colour but more than not, in the monochrome spectrum.
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