I took this photograph in Iceland one July. I visited then hoping to experience almost 24 hours of daylight, but instead found that July is one of their rainiest months with an average of one 24-hour period without rain. On this day, July 4, I visited some of the fumerols at Hverir. Fumerols are openings in the earth's crust where super hot steam and gases are emitted. This photograph captures the blending of earth and sky as the steam from the fumerols merges with the dark clouds overhead. The silhouette balances the otherwise natural composition with this human element.
I entered college late in life, but upon taking the art requisite, I fell in love with the language of photography. My passion is learning about other cultures and capturing with photographs and words the stories of how people live. Traveling where the “wind blows” and not knowing what photographic opportunities I will find was my personal journey of discovery. The pandemic has curtailed my far-flung adventures. My journey has turned inward and to those stories and images I find around me.
In late January 2020, I photographed smoke rising from an incense cone. I made multiple exposures not knowing what I was able to capture. Slight air currents reshaped, redirected the direction of the slow rising smoke. The smoke was so light, so ephemeral, so hard to see. I loaded the smoke images into my computer and found that while most images didn’t make a satisfying composition on their own, I could blend several together to create a story. With plenty of time to lose myself in art during the shelter-in-place directive, I created a series of images I call “Smoke Signals.”
I still continue to document my adventures near and far in my online journal at Vacation-Travel-Adventure.com
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