Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2017 (amateur)
Mid-morning looking east in Death Valley, CA
Gary Horsfall is a self-taught photographer was born in 1959 in Los Angeles, CA, and raised in Eugene, OR. In his late teens he took up photography as a way to record his outdoor adventures trekking along the Oregon coast and rafting, backpacking, skiing and climbing throughout the Cascade Mountain Range. In his twenties, practicality and a need for furniture pushed his artistic inclinations towards fine woodworking.
Having made the transition, Gary spent a couple of decades happily honing his sense for design, form, artistic lines, fine materials and appreciation for the beauty of natural materials. Many of the resulting pieces of furniture are now in their third and fourth decades of use and starting to acquire a patina built on daily use and loving care. In his late forties Gary moved to Seattle with his life partner Corrinne and now, with the advent of downtown condo living and the accompanying loss of his shop space, he’s come full circle and returned to photography.
Gary learned his woodworking and photographic craft through constant practice, observation, study and by reading everything he could get his hands on. Strongly drawn to black and white images, he finds that this format pushes him to ensure that the foundations of the image; composition, subject, exposure and tonality are solid and in the end, produce visually compelling photographic images.
Horsfall describes his photographic style as adventurous and diverse. He's a keen observer of the activity surrounding him and as such, works to synthesize that activity into photographic images that tell the proverbial "thousand words." Gary's aesthetic ranges from vast panoramas rife with the opportunity to examine them for the detail contained therein to focused, tight images that leave no question as to what's at hand for the viewer.
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