Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2017 (amateur)
Walking in big mountains gives us chance to think about our lives, everything what surrounds us and how insignificant we are in comparison to the whole world. Mountains stands here from ages and will pass many our generations but still aren’t indestructible. Even incredibly large rocks will turn into small pieces when time will come.
Location: Italy, Dolomites
Made in hybrid process: shoot on black&white negative film using medium format camera, developed and scanned, then post processed in digital dark room.
I was born in 1985. I’m an electronics engineer and I work as a graphic designer/programist. Photography is my hobby, which helps me to break away from everyday life. My first camera was a digital camera, but my photographic journey began when the rolls of slides and negatives appeared in the desk instead of SD cards. From that moment the time slowed down and the magic of photography appeared.
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