The shot is originally in color but it looks like monochrome owing to the super high gamma. I converted it to monochrome so that there would be no quibbles. It is a straight shot, no manipulation other than sharpening with "Focus Magic" a Fourier transform tool that makes up for lens imperfections. It was made outside Sydney Heads on a routine sailing outing in winter when the sun was low in the sky. Each white dot is an image of the sun, naturally. To me it looked like a floating cosmos on the ocean (if I may wax lyrical for a moment). I call it "Offshore Sydney Dreaming" to recognize the term used by the original inhabitants (the Aborigines) for their history and philosophy (the Dreaming) as well as the pointilist look which is used in Aboriginal art. Yes it is abstract but also literal as can be seen by the presence of the lighthouse.
Consulting engineer by profession and amateur photographer starting with student newspaper at University of Sydney. Photographed demonstrations, riots, police actions etc during the turbulent 1970s.
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