model: Lacrima_mosa and Cleamtis Pea /analog large format photo
Iwona Aleksandrowicz, born in 1971. Ex-German translater and advertising manager. In 2010 completely lose herself in portraits and act photography. Since 2013 shoot only with analog technique, medium- and large format cameras. She is self-thoughts in terms of technique of shooting with analog cameras as well as developing the pictures in the traditional darkroom. In 2015 became interested in instant film technique. Painting-like photos, carried out in this technique are particularly appreciated by many recipients. Her photographs have won numerous awards in international competitions, including Monochrome Awards, Art Limited Awards, Fotoerotica of "Playboy" magazine. She has participated in many group and solo exhibitions, among others in Poland, France or Romania.
She has a numerous publications in trade press concerning photography, i.e. "Photoklassik.de", "Digital Camera Polska", "50 mm", "ipressmagazine" and others. She is a member of the international photographic group "Echiquier". Founder of many charity projects and organizer of photographic meetings in Poland and abroad.
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