Playing with light and dark, attempting to to capture that 3D look on the model with natural light. Taken on the downs of the Isle of Wight.
Currently I am developing my studio lighting and photography skills working mainly on fashion nude themes and fine art nudes. I have been focusing on monochrome imagery for the past two years.
I also create works of digital art combining traditional fine art skills with the latest techniques in digital photography, montage and graphic manipulation. My artworks are all based on my own photographs that I later in the process into finished artworks suitable for digital reproduction and limited editions. I use Nikon camera and lenses, a 2016 MacBook Pro with Apple 27 inch monitor and work mainly with Lightroom Classic, Photoshop CC18 and Illustrator CC18.
I do very little commercial work, rather I practice exploring new creative outlets for my own enjoyment. Much of my work has explored themes suggested by great artists ranging from Rembrandt to Klimt via Botticelli!
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