Hand gestures symbolize the soul of freedom, happiness and equality, because the deaf community feels more comfortable speaking their mother tongue, which is the sign language, which allows them to communicate easily with one another. However, the hands of this image are of deaf children in elementary school, and these gestures of each hand to signify each letter, and are five letters of a Portuguese word that is SURDO (deaf), conveys his message that people The deaf have the right to use sign language to avoid facing the biggest obstacle that the deaf in several centuries ago had to face, only much later than in each country recognizes the importance of the quality of gestures and passed the law that sign language of different countries in school education, which is very important for deaf and young children who feel the same as others as listeners, who allow themselves to learn and accompany others at the same level of learning pace. And even the listeners learn the gestures, evidently, for example, the interpretations of the sign language that is the new job, with more flexibility than the students translate in the room of the student while any teacher explains and teaches each discipline, and from there without Most of the language of the deaf community in the school's teaching fails to keep up with everything the teachers say is another obstacle that the deaf face. That is why the existence of sign language is the greatest salvation for the deaf community.
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