Conceptual: Honorable Mention 2019 (amateur)
Significant to everyone in varying degrees, mental health and its awareness continuously affects all and inevitably stands as a vital topic of discussion. Mental illness is most commonly displayed to evoke hurt, depression, grief, etc. onto the audience. Although this is effective in terms of shock value, personal terror of possible association or graphic yet visual attraction, interpretations of deniability can be made thus hindering the observer to grow producing a negative impact. In contrary, 'The Book Store' delivers a positive outlook on such a hard-hitting topic; a happy alternative. A temporary escape to a place of personal sanctuary, in this case, the absorption of literature and its positive affects.
Samantha Thomas is an Australian photographer and designer whose art practice takes a conceptual and critical view on the world - in particular she comments on social issues, perceived normalities and stereotypes, and question our function in the world. She enjoys exploring the humour of the everyday and adopting this throughout her work as a catalyst when addressing confronting ideals.
Samantha works across a variety of photographic applications ranging from your digital and analogue formats to alternative and experimental processes, as well, design and other mediums such as printmaking.
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