Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2019 (professional)
The air was thick with expectation as I took this image....a second later there was the brightest flash of lightning and biggest clap of thunder which sent me running for cover.
I was born in Sydney and am currently based on the south coast of NSW. I have a Diploma in Photography and Photo imaging - Medium format film photography and wet darkroom techniques.
My love affair with photography began when I was given a 1971 Kodak Instamatic. However, life got busy…as it does … and I had to put my photography aside. I travelled, had a family and a career. Life’s myriad of experiences have added a patina of compassion and observations to the person that I am now today.
My photographic work ranges from Portraits, Botanical studies and Landscapes. I am inspired by people all around me and feel so privileged to use photography as a way to tell stories.
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