Wildlife: Honorable Mention 2020 (professional)
On the next to last day of a photographic safari in Kenya, the late afternoon sky filled with drama. Heavy billowing and sinister clouds collecting and giving a hope of rain. I wanted to photograph them but as a wildlife photographer I wanted to get a different angle. A couple of zebras were on the plain close to the road and above a small rise. Putting the grass in the foreground added an element of disguise such as the view that might be seen by a lion or a cheetah. To me this increased the drama of the scene that was initially marked only by the sky.
I am a wildlife and nature photographer and live in Bend, Oregon. This kind of photography allows me to be outdoors, witnessing the incredible things that the natural world can offer. It feeds my soul. I am also a Mom of two fabulous twenty-something kids, a wife to an avid fly fisherman and an internal medicine veterinarian. I am presently taking a sabbatical to work vigorously on honing my photographic skill both creatively and technically, to me a great use of my time and energy. An early morning out to capture beautiful light and amazing wildlife is the best start to a day. A midmorning out hiking or running trails with my dog is a close second! By bringing images of beauty to those less fortunate than I and encouraging people to surround themselves with images of the beauty of nature, fosters the sense in people that our natural world is worth saving, for us and our children.
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