Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2021 (amateur)
I had to travel thousands of miles and climb mountains to experience this amazing sunrise which has left an indelible mark on my conscience. It is a sign of our times that we have to make extraordinary efforts to experience such moments which should be a daily part of our existence on this planet. My goal was to snatch that moment and share it with my fellow travelers on this beautiful cosmic journey.
This photo was taken on a beautiful morning at Lago Federa in the Italian Dolomites
I see my art as a statement of gratitude for having the chance to witness this Universe in all its glory, beauty as well as raw terror that comes with this opportunity. It is a way to memorialize the most interesting, profound as well as trivial passages of time, and to create a memory bank that I can dip into when I need to center myself. It's my little cup of joy. I often wonder what would happen to all these captured moments when I am gone. Will the universe care? Will the cloud swallow it and it will all disappear? I guess that is also a part of creating and letting go.
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