The shapes, how it reflect lights and that it isn't long lasting.
This is a good question that requires an explanation.
As a teenager, I started shooting with a camera. At that time there were no digital cameras so it was analog photography. But my father had a dark room, so all the conditions were there. It was pretty much work after taking the picture before having a photo developed. But also very educational and a knowledge that is good to have, even now in digital age.
When I was around 20, I bought my first camera with auto focus. I don't know if it was the auto focus that made it boring, but I got tired and stopped completely with photography.
Twenty-five years later, I was diagnosed with depression and my therapist suggested I get a hobby. I didn't think about it that much at the time, but a little while later I went on a country road and saw the sun fall into the trees. I picked up my cell phone and took a picture. When I saw the picture, it struck me that I should start with photography again.
Have always been fond of art but my hands cannot do a proper job with a pen or pencil. Therefore the camera is a such good tool for me.
My goal is that every image should give the viewer a feeling. No matter what feeling it is, as long as it something they viewer brings with them. The types of subjects in my photos has changed over time and today I concentrate more on details in the landscape other than great vistas. I'm trying lot to look for small things that most people usually misses.
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