Conceptual: Honorable Mention 2022 (amateur)
Guardare la realtà da prospettive diverse. by Fabio Sacco (Italy)
"Look at reality from different perspectives.
In this shot, the author urges the viewer to observe reality from different perspectives.
The human being, without having full awareness of it, is led to evaluate his own perceptions, his ideas and his own way of seeing the world as an objective reflection of what really happens around him.
In truth, those same intuitions go beyond a subjective filter, profoundly conditioned by the background and the emotions that pass through the observer at that moment".
Fabio Sacco was born in 1983 in Novi Ligure (AL) – ITALY where he still lives and works.
Through his photos he gives body to his feeling of a modern society characterized/dominated by a wide sense of desolation. His images give strength to his perception of dejection but at the same time they allow the observer an unlimited space of interpretation. A veiled way is hidden in these images in which the author himself is the protagonist of his work. He gets rid of his habits and uses his daily mental experiences as the focus of each shot.
Fabio Sacco nasce nel 1983 a Novi Ligure dove attualmente vive e lavora.
Attraverso le sue foto esprime il suo pensiero in cui la società moderna è caratterizzata da un vasto senso di desolazione. Le sue immagini esaltano fortemente la sua percezione di avvilimento ma allo stesso tempo consente un illimitata interpretazione a colui che le osserva. In esse è celato un sottile percorso, in cui l’autore è il protagonista stesso del opera. Spoglio dei suoi abiti utilizza le proprie esperienze mentali quotidiane come fulcro di ogni suo scatto.
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