Fashion / Beauty: 1st Place Winner 2022 (amateur)
I find it intriguing that a perfectly ordinary looking person can, in the right lighting, clothing and circumstances, sublimate into something quite remarkable. Accomplished dancers move among us like Q ships, giving no sign of their capacities.
Mark took up photography in 1985 (he’s much older than he looks) and learned about exposure from the pictographs on Kodak film boxes. As a matter of principle, he's remained resolutely an amateur, since no-one will pay him.
Unable to draw, but fascinated by art, he found his way home to the camera and photoshop, and laid his life at their alter. As costly and demanding as this devotion may be, Mark has known much joy and fulfilment in this pursuit. Although his first love was landscape, he finds it very satisfying to present other people in extraordinary, ethereal or romantic ways.
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