The escape, my escape
During the pandemic I got this cage and stored it with the idea of placing something inside it , but no bird.
I got inspired by some insect images i found online on plain white backgrounds, and ordered two asian rhinoceros beetles to create something that was yet unclear. As many people sitting at home not being able to move around like we used to, the image came to my mind to display some kind of emotional escape using these beetles flying away. The cage was just too good to be used for this Idea.
The beetles are hanged on very thin strings and attached with one leg to the cage not to spin which was important for an exposure of 4minutes.
35,5x16cm ambrotype on 3mm glass, backed with asphaltum to get the rich black contrast with the silver (collodion wetplate process)
Farid Laid is a autodidact Photographer who startet in his early years with analog photography. Since 2019 after he visited a wetplate workshop, his whole view of making images changed drastic and started to turn into more artistic work. More thoughts more planning and not just "making" images. As a light technician at the opera house in zurich he loves to setup the needed lights for his effects. Reflections, emotions, thoughts but also laughter should not be missed in his images.
Photography can make you happy !
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