Fine Art: Honorable Mention 2022 (professional)
The image was created as my contribution to an exhibition with the theme "Black in Black" of "The Stage Gallery", Cologne. On the one hand, I felt it as a challenge to really make an image which has no white but still very contrasty effect on the other hand, I wanted to achieve this with an image that creates its own tension through its repetitions. The repetition as a moment of tension and not as monotony.
Born in 1958,
1981-1985 Study of photodesign in Dortmund/germany
1985 exams
1985-today Freelance advertising photographer
Since 1992 digital image editing/photoshop
Since 1995 working with digital cameras Leaf and Nikon
1996-99 Lectureship comprehensive university Wuppertal
Since 2019 only as a free artist
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