Street: Honorable Mention 2022 (professional)
Picture code: Retail Machine 01
Name & surname: Rob Brown
Email address:
Phone number: +27832617349
Image date: 07/08/2021
Image location: Mall of Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
Device: Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
Settings: 1/100 sec, f1,6 ISO 64, 5,1mm. Halide B&W Auto
Caption: Inside the Retail Machine. This is from a current series I am working on called “The Retail Machine”. It concerns the increasing dehumanization of shopping malls due to the industrial look of steel and stone that predominate newly developed malls. This was brought into sharp focus for me during the pandemic, when a visit to a shopping mall was a major, and often lonely, undertaking. They are in black and white to emphasis the cold feeling of being alone in a huge industrial complex, literally being Inside the Retail Machine.
Rob is a television executive, but has been a photographer for 45 years, both professionally and as an amateur.
He was inspired as a child by Life Magazine and remains dedicated to the reportage tradition.
Rob now considers himself a street and documentary photographer.
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