“The Bunker” recalls a dystopian landscape that seems to transport the viewer into a dreamlike dimension suspended in time. The bunker could be a symbol of a hidden reality or a looming past that cannot be completely abandoned.
The dystopian aspect of the image suggests a critique of the legacies of the past and the human tendency to construct symbols of defense or isolation, such as bunkers, which end up as empty monuments, relics of an era that has lost its original meaning. The bunker, here, represents the dark side of history, a reminder of collective destruction, while the human figure with somewhat uncertain posture is symbolic of those who seek to come to terms with this past while remaining shrouded in existential uncertainty.
“The Bunker” and the landscape become a metaphor for what remains when certainties vanish and we are confronted with ruins, both physical and psychological, representing a journey into human consciousness, an investigation of what remains when confronted with the past and its shadows.
I work in the Graphic sector for years.
I attended photographic storytelling and editing courses and workshops held by professional photographers, and I participated in photographic workshops.
Photographer for passion, I enjoy shooting different themes and subjects, even if I prefer a design approach. For me, photography is a means of getting to know the world and myself.
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