I love Torii gates and this is a rather wonderful gate on Lake Biwa in Japan taken in March 2024. A Torii (Japanese: 鳥居, [to.ɾi.i]) is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred, and a spot where kami (spirits) are welcomed and thought to travel through to a sacred realm.
I'm a keen amateur photographer with a passion for minimalist, abstract and otherworldly images. This kind of photography allows me to create and quite frankly escape a little bit from 'reality.' I live in rural North Wiltshire in the UK but through my job I have had the opportunity to travel far and wide. I particularly like seascapes but dabble in all kinds of landscape. Currently use Fuji GFX kit.
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