A stage-lit white cosmos flower unfolds with an ethereal grace. Bathed in soft illumination, shadows and highlights intertwine, creating ruffles within the petals. The bloom exudes a feminine beauty, reminiscent of a bridal gown. Each petal dances and sways in the spotlight, a delicate testament to nature's elegance.
This photograph is one of many from a project I began in 2022, which I named Flos Saltare. Translated from latin, the name means 'flower dance' and is themed around my love for flowers and botanicals in the environment around me. During this time, I discovered a need to showcase each individual botanical's moment of 'poise', the moment of simplicity where it feels as though it is teetering on the edge of poetic movement.
I chose to photograph the flowers in my parent's spare bedroom, with a desk lamp for lighting and a black bedsheet as the backdrop. I used the black bedsheet, not just because it was best thing I had to hand to set the flowers upon, but it also became a bit of a hidden, nuanced meaning between the vibrancy and elegance of the flowers and the darkness of an imminent end after being plucked from the ground. These photographs became sort of like the bloom's 'last hurrah' if you will.
Amateur portrait and documentary photographer, an aspiring photojournalist and writer.
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