Landscapes: Honorable Mention 2024 (amateur)
This crosspiece once fit snugly. But wood needs a drink to not shrink, and the Superstition Mountains in the high deserts of Arizona isn't known for steady rain. Good thing for the fence that this toenail is still holding, albeit barely.
Shane Gericke is a double-barrel artist: an award-winning landscape photographer and a bestselling crime novelist. He learned the mysteries of Tri-X Pan film in high school, when he began covering sports for the local weekly paper. He graduated to the adrenaline rush of big-city dailies, most prominently as an editor and writer at the Chicago Sun-Times. He left newspapering to write bestselling crime novels like Blown Away and The Fury, but never lost his love of framing a subject in photographs and words. The Chicago native recently traded his snowblower for the high deserts of Arizona, where he delights in the photographic opportunities of mountains, rocks, and sand even as he wilts in the staggering heat.
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