I was travelling to Taiwan. There was a lay over at Hong Kong. While walking in transit on the airport I encountered a sitting area where only one person was sitting, perhaps waiting for the flight. I had my Nikon f80 camera along with me. I Composed the frame with runway area in the background. I had to wait a lot to get an empty frame as lot of people were walking in front of me. After composing, I waited again, hoping to get a flying plane in the background. After waiting for about three minutes, constantly looking through the viewfinder, when I lost the hope, suddenly an air plane flew inside the frame. I clicked with a thud in my heart. Through out the journey I kept on thinking whether the flying plane was composed at the right place inside the frame. After a month when I got the negatives developed, I found the plane at the golden point inside the frame, I couldn't have asked for a better accident than this!
I am a professor of Cinematography at Satyajit Ray Film and TV Institute. I have a keen interest in short film making and exploring the craft of cinema as a visual medium. I do street photography as an artistic pursuance. My short films have been different international film festivals across the globe. My street photography works has been exhibited at different exhibitions and has been to different photography contests.
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