In the tranquil waters of Padang Bai, a seahorse glides gracefully through the aquatic shadows, moving with an almost ghostly presence. Known for their slow, deliberate movements and exceptional camouflage, seahorses blend seamlessly into their surroundings to avoid predators. These creatures anchor themselves to corals with their prehensile tails. This scene captures the seahorse in all its mysterious splendor, perfectly embodying the essence of a phantom of the sea.
Douglas is an academic, consultant, and passionate ocean enthusiast. He holds master's degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania. At MIT, he conducted research with the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MIT Sea Grant, focusing on marine life and ocean preservation. During this time, he also enrolled in marine biology and ecology classes at Harvard University, further fueling his interest in the oceans and marine life.
Beyond his academics, Douglas is an avid diver, embracing both scuba and freediving. His underwater explorations sparked a profound love for ocean photography, particularly in capturing macro critters and pelagic wildlife, showcasing the intricate details and majestic creatures of the marine world.
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