In the far northern reaches of Norway, two Mountain Hares (Lepus timidus) navigate the harsh, wintry environment. With their white winter coats, they blend seamlessly into the snow-covered landscape, perfectly adapted to the severe conditions. Spotting these elusive creatures is a challenge, as they appear like ghosts against the white-on-white backdrop. A thermal scope becomes my best ally during trips like this, helping to reveal the hares' subtle presence amidst the Arctic wilderness.
I was born in Sambeek, one of the smallest and quietest towns you can find in the Netherlands and live now in Sundsberg, Kirkkonummi in the south of Finland. I have been photographing nature and wildlife for over a decade, run photo tours in the Nordics on my own as well as for NatureTalks (NL) and am a public speaker. Published by various magazines in Europe and had an exhibition in Helsinki, named imaginature.
My style of photography is often referred to as imaginative, minimalistic, and 2-dimensional. For me, it is just important to respect nature and present the subject and surroundings in a manner of its simplest components, function over form. That is how I experience nature, that is how my photography has evolved over the last 4-5 years.
Less is more. I believe that is all what a minimalist style of photography should be about. In this context, minimalism using high- and low-key photography is about simplifying the reality by leaving elements and details out of a frame, removing them, or making them simply disappear, to a minimum that needed to get the focus directly on the subject. Isn’t there anything better than looking at a photo which triggers inner emotions?
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