In addition to watching huge aggregations of mobula rays gracefully swimming in the waters of the Sea of Cortez, they also delighted us with their stunning acrobatics on the topside. It’s not known exactly why they do this, but theories include communication, ridding of parasites, part of a mating ritual, or just because they are happy. Photo taken in the Sea of Cortez, Baja California Sur, Mexico, 2023.
I have been interested in photography for many years. After retiring early 4 years ago from a career in public health, I decided to pursue my passion for wildlife photography more seriously. I am learning and practicing all I can to effectively capture our planet's beautiful but rapidly declining wildlife species to share with others. I am passionate about wildlife both above and below water. Our world is filled with fascinating and beautiful wildlife that are crucial to the natural balance of this planet. I am striving to become more involved and influential in wildlife conservation through my photography.
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