Title: Face to Face: The Intricate Majesty of a Rhino
Location: Samburu, Kenya
Year: 2024
Captured in striking detail with a GoPro, this close-up of a rhino reveals a raw, intimate view of its rugged features—each wrinkle and horn contour telling a story of resilience. The image captures the rhino’s alert gaze, a quiet strength conveyed through its steady, cautious expression as it observes its surroundings up close.
This close perspective showcases the often-overlooked beauty in a rhino’s details, highlighting both its vulnerability and power. With poaching pressures threatening these magnificent creatures, this image is a call to action—a reminder of the need to protect rhinos and the delicate ecosystems they help maintain.
Balaji Loganathan is an Award Winning Indian Wildlife photographer in India, who loves animals and highly passionate about Nature Conservation. He has won numerous awards and has been recognised on several occasions for his outstanding efforts in this field. His photography covers many kind of animals across India - from Elephants to Fireflies to Sloth & Tigers. As an engaging speaker, Balaji shares his stories and professional insights at major photography seminars and workshops. He also regularly conducts photography presentations at colleges and personally take initiatives in grooming emerging Wildlife photographer in chennai...
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