Conceptual: Honorable Mention 2024 (professional)
The art of veiling
A photographic study that deals with the "second skin". The female body is wrapped in an elastic fabric that is both protective and a kind of prison. It is constricted by the fabric and at the same time expands, creating unusual dynamic structures. In the monochromatic representation, the shapes are characterized by strong contrasts, the body, the expressiveness of movement and pose are emphasized.
Curriculum Vitae
Enrico Pietracci, visual artist
1958 Born in Porto S. Giorgio (FM), Italy
1983 Diploma in stage design at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze
1988/89 Art director in the field of fashion photography, directing
fashion shows in conjunction with dance and theater in Florence and Prato
1990-96 Art director at the in-house television channel of the Fininvest group in Milan
1994 Moved to Berlin
1995-2005 Illustrator for advertising agencies and various magazines,draftsman of
storyboards for cinema and television productions in Berlin and Milan
Draftsman for cartoon productions, graphic design and realization of
interactive CD-ROMs for children in Berlin and Babelsberg
1998 Started working as a freelance artist
since 2002 performances, synthesis of visual and performing arts
with an aesthetic, dynamic and interdisciplinary concept, expressed through
movement (dance), music, drawing and painting.
Since 2015, concentration on photography, understood as a mean of expression that
goes beyond the mere representation of reality and extends to an area that
ranges from staged photography to digital processing and collage.
The aesthetic and conceptual research is characterized
by a form that is always geared towards a personal and experimental
aesthetic, with narrative, ironic and surreal implications.
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