Wildlife: Honorable Mention 2024 (professional)
One of the Black Rock Pride males, nicknamed "Oloimina", demonstrates a Flehmen response. A Flehmen response enhances the lions ability to smell response by drawing air into the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ, an auxiliary olfactory sense organ that is found in many animals. Masai Mara, Nov 2023
A former military combat photographer, he obtained his professional BA degree in Photography after military service. Following graduation, he became a commercial photographer and later pursued a career in law enforcement as a forensic photographer. After developing PTSD from his many years of exposure to photographing violent scenes, he rediscovered his passion for photography after a trip to Africa photographing wildlife. He finds being in nature refuels his desire to create imagery again. A certified Adjunct Faculty Instructor, he also teaches photography and leads tours/workshops geared towards wildlife and nature.
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